Thursday, October 30, 2014

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

New Project Concepts

Once again another project is to begin. This time turning a sketch to a digital image. Due to how busy this semester has been I haven't really had the time to actually put any thought into sketching as of late: instead I have ended up just speedily cranked out random face sketches. So for this project I stepped back and looked into some of the last sketches I did before the semester began. Keep in mind I was going through a mermaid phase.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Color Studies

Working on some color studies for my digital illustration project now. Going for a dark, yet mystical vibe. Goes with the idea of a scary situation, yet a sense of whimsy since its coming from the inside of the young girl's mind.

Value Studies

Another new project has begun in my digital illustration class. This time we are working on an editorial piece. The topic for the project is surveillance or the idea of being spied upon. My idea focuses on how everyone feels like people are constantly watching them and judging based on appearance. For my subject I chose a young girl, because really who would understand that feeling better. Any hoot, first step here is some quick value studies for the project.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Brainstorming the Werid

Class assignment of brainstorming weird places, moments, and people to generate new ideas and obtain a different perspective on projects.

Weird Places:
1. In a child's mind
2. Facebook Cyberspace
3. Fantasy Forest
4. Walking through Storm Clouds
5. A Dark Dimension

Weird Moments:
1. When George W. Bush got a Shoe thrown at him
2. That first moment of puberty
3. When you wake-up and realize you have no clue how you got there
4. 1960s London, England
5. Medieval Austria

Weird People:
1. 80 yr old woman who thinks she is still 15
2. Pregnante Man Horse
3. Santa Warrior Elf
4. Secret Agent Pigeon
5. Fire Dog